Mountains are opening, snow is falling and winter has finally returned! The holiday season means gift giving is upon us, and we've compiled the ultimate gift giving guide. Signal Snowboards is your one stop snowboard subscription shop for the whole family without breaking the bank!
For the Expert Shredder: Omni
If you have rider with a need for speed on your hands, the Omni will be your go to for them. The lightest board on the market with Omnipotent Power Technology, they will fly down the mountain faster than they ever have before. Our Signal Swoop shape is full camber, with a little bit of flair in the nose and tail and makes for the most versatile board they will ever ride. If a high performance, all tech quiver killer is what they are after, this is the one to go for.
For the Creative Rider: Yup
Steeps? Yup. Deeps? Yup. Backcountry? Yup. Sidecountry? Yup. Park? Yup. No matter what they want to explore, the answer will always be Yup with the Yup.
For the Adventurer: Split
Who needs chairlifts when the adventurer in your life has their Chevrolegs? The Split is the perfect answer for delving into the deep snow of the backcountry. It makes exploring new territories and getting to know the mountains in their backyard easier than ever. Just because there isn't a chairlift, doesn't mean they won't be able to get there in style.
For the Ladies: Ambient
Flowers may not bloom in the wintertime, but thats when women's snowboarding certainly is flourishing. The Ambient makes for a serene, high- spirited ride and she'll be riding first chair to last call. It has all the pop, maneuverability and speed she's looking for without sacrificing style.
For the Daredevil: Disruptor 2