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Signal 2020. Raising On The Rise.

Friends, riders and investors. Signal is out raising capital for the 2020/21 season. We are on the rise and having a major growth spurt. 

On point for 200% growth this year! We are profitably building snowboarding’s first membership program. Quality snowboards, gear and access to world-class experiences for a low annual monthly fee. Without giving away too much, we're kicking some ass! We have a sizable community and it’s building everyday. We are humbled by the support and dedication of this riding community and we have plans to do more for them. This has us inspired and laser focused to keep innovating.  The upcoming season is about to kickoff in a couple months. This is where you come in. We are looking for an angel investor that has a love for the mountains, action sports, or is like-minded in business development.  If this is you, please reach out! We’d love to talk with you. If you know someone that may find Signal interesting, introduce us. If it works out we’ll kick you a finders fee. This is a very exciting opportunity and we know the right person is out there. Signal is organized, dialed in and ready for the next phase. Join us. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,   Dave Lee   -   Founder    -

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