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ETT. Programable LED Base Snowboard.

The future is upon us kids! Decentralized currency, hyper loop travel, and yes, smart wearables and shreddables. With flexible screens a real thing and tech getting smaller and more powerful it’s a safe bet that before too long you may be able to program your base! After almost a year off from the last ETT, No Board Left Behind, we bring you the first LED progammable base. This is first generation trial and error with basic materials. But, you know OLED and paper screens are coming, so why not have the base that changes with your every whim, favorite logo, or call out when you land that trick you were working on for a week. 

Hit play and watch as we create and learn a few hard lessons along the way. With 1700 LED’s there’s about 1710 opportunities for us to screw this up. Enjoy!



7 comments on ETT. Programable LED Base Snowboard.
  • Torsten
    TorstenMay 07, 2018

    when would you buy this board and how high is the price

  • Thomas Boeriis
    Thomas BoeriisApril 05, 2018

    Amazing job!! have been worked around how you managed to make this. trying to accomplish something similar just with an app to deliver all the data to an Arduino to make the light compositions and animations.

    By any chance, you can share some of your progress on how you did this.
    mostly, how long can you run the LEDs and what are you using for powering the tech :)

  • Kubs

    Hey How can I buy a led board … i search this but I can’t find

  • Dylan
    DylanJanuary 18, 2018

    How much to buy the LED board

  • Brandon Cramer
    Brandon CramerJanuary 18, 2018

    That’s bitchin! Great job guys

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